Debbie Downer
>> Nov 16, 2009
So I've found that it's better for me to think of a post title after I have written the post. Otherwise, I get stuck on trying to fit the post to the title. It's more free writing that way. Whatever works.
So a few years ago, I began writing a story called 3rd Story Apartment. It is about a girl in her mid twenties and her 2 crazy friends. It's only about a chapter so far, then I just stopped writing. I think I just hit a wall and didn't know where to take the story. I've been thinking of starting up on it again. I've been reading a lot more these days, since I have much more time to lately. Maybe it will spark some storyline that I didn't think of before.
All I know is that I'm so tired of staying home. But I have to do something to save money. I've pretty much stopped going out at all. I feel like every time I leave my apartment, I spend money. So I guess staying home will remedy that. Especially with the holidays coming up, I'm going to need to cut back A LOT.
I got my hair done on Friday. It cost a little more than I thought. Sigh. Oh well. I'm not sure about the highlights. There seem to be some flaws here and there, but I think it looks okay, for now.
I miss so much about life right now. I'm not able to do everything that I want to because of money. I wish money wasn't so necessary. I miss my friends. I miss just hanging out. I can't exactly have friends over. My apartment is too small, and it's a disaster, so messy. I feel so disconnected.
Also, I'm turning 30 in March. 30! Where the hell did my life go? I sure as hell don't know. I'm not ready to be 30 yet. I really want to plan a big thing, but I have no ideas, no place for a party. Hell, I don't even know if anybody would show up. Ugh. I'm depressing myself just by writing all of this out. Am I depressing all of you too?
Do I talk about money too much? I think I've turned into a Debbie Downer. Waaah Waaaaaah.
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